
“Do what you do best and outsource the rest” has become fact of today. Outsourcing can offer greater budget flexibility and control by allowing organizations to pay for the services and business functions only when they need them.

Outsourcing helps in

  1. Reducing operational cost
  2. Gaining access to the experts
  3. Increasing efficiency by freeing internal resources for time-consuming functions
  4. Maximising use of external resources
  5. Improving organisations focus on the core business

Companies can outsource us Sales

Sales outsourcing is a way for companies to attract increased, high volumes of sales for their products or services by using a third party. The company that undertakes the outsourcing will normally be paid based on the results they are able to generate, and therefore creates a mutually beneficial situation for both client and the outsourcing company.

  • Cheaper than the fully loaded cost of employing salespeople
  • Access to the best sales skills
  • Flexibility which will help in turn sales resource on and off
  • Speed of response

Companies can outsource us Sales strategy

A full proofed sales strategy plan is a must for desired sales results. Outsourcing this function helps in

  • Treating the problem of demand and revenue
  • Steady and planned growth
  • Having expert opinion with wider perspective
  • Getting consultation based on thorough research.

Other Services


One of the top issues organisations strive to resolve is hiring right talent

Training Academy

Many of you wish to start your career in HR.


Aver’s HRCS ( HR Consulting Services ) is a bundle of all HR functions.

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